Friday, March 27, 2009

Book Suggestions

So...I know that our book club kind of fizzled but I was think this morning how I have all of these books I want to read but no place to write them to remember them and I thought, instead of creating my own blog to keep them in, why not share them with all of you! So instead of a book club maybe we could use this blog as a book suggestion board.

You can write you favorite book, one you want to read, or if you need a suggestion for a book you can post that too. People can respond, give suggestions on what they've read, what they want to read or thoughts about whatever book they are reading. Pretty open forum. My one request is that if you can figure it out, try to post it on the blog instead of in e-mail. That way we can look back when we're looking for a good book and instead of having to sort through e-mail we can just pop onto this blog and take a look. If you have trouble, just shoot me an e-mail I can walk you through how to get on and post on the blog...if no one else is interested then I can just post books myself, which is also fine! Anyway, can't wait to see you all REAL soon!!!

Here are the books I've been thinking of recently:

Small Giants: Companies that Choose to be great instead of Big by Bo Burlingham

Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown

The Secret

Look me in the Eyes, living with Aspergers syndrome

The Four Hour Work Week

A tree grows in Brooklyn

Water for Elephants


19 Minutes

Into the Wild

In the Time of the Butterflies

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Tipping Point

Hi all!

Has everyone been reading? What do you think? It is not exactly a page turner...a little bit more intellectual, but I think interesting none the less. It reminds of psychology stuff which makes me happy. Where is everyone in the book? What do you think to be true? What do you think about connectors? Just wanted to see others thoughts!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Test 2!

I wanted to see if this would send to e-mails because I changed some settings. Hopefully we will be reading soon!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Book Idea

Hi everyone!

My suggestion is The Tipping Point, anyone heard of it?? My podmates are reading it and really like it!

Monday, January 5, 2009


I think it works now!!!

List of Novels

This list is only of novels, but it could help remind us of books we have wanted to read!

Lets Pick a BOOK!

Hey everyone who has decided to be a dedicated Sewanee Alumni reader! I hope your holiday season has left you energetic and renewed for 2009! I have been reading on my own, but thought it might be nice to have a place where you can turn to discuss concerns about characters or ideas while you are reading! I am not following a book club guideline which allows us to make this process fun and flexible to our own schedules. SO who's with me???? First I think everyone should suggest maybe a book they have wanted to read or something they might want to read again. I think if too many people have read the book and don't want to re-read it again we should find one that everyone can agree on. Also we should decide if we want to discuss a certain number of chapters read per week(s) or read a book a month and discuss at the end- all ideas are welcome. Hopefully the books will be accessible through libraries or borrowing, or maybe buying if not too expensive. Let me know what you think and we will get this thing going in the next week or so. If you are currently reading a book- suggest it too which comes to my first suggestion- "The Patron Saint of Liars" by Ann Patchett. Hope to hear from you soon!